lunes, 16 de marzo de 2015

100 Incredible Style Guides For Men

I’ve categorised as best I can, but you’ll have to settle for a mixed bag at the end I’m afraid!
If you think a particular article deserved to be in this list, leave a comment and I’ll be sure to update the post in the weeks and months to come. Without further ado, let’s begin …

Suits & Tuxedos

Image: ltz
“If you are a bigger guy, I’m going to suggest you get the side vents (pictured above). In all my experience, it just helps the suit fit you better and allow you to look trimmer and more stream-lined.”
“Tux trousers are usually easy to spot because of the black satin strip along the outside seams. Tuxedo trousers unlike other trousers don’t have belt loops, so make sure they are tailored to your exact measurements.”
“If you’re tall and skinny, get heavier fabrics to add some proportion and additional weight to your body. Lighter fabrics will hang on your body like a thin layer and make you look more frail, so look for fabrics like tweed or a heavier weight worsted wool.”
“you need to work with what you’ve got and get [the suit] tailored right to make it not look like the cheap, off the rack, suit separate thing that it was when you bought it (on sale).”
“When choosing your first suit there’s only one choice: single breasted. Whilst double-breasted suits are acceptable for most occasions (and can be worn by all except the huskiest/muscular body type), single-breasted jackets are universal and less prone to aging. Although less ‘dressy’, the single breasted suit is great for all your day to day needs.”
“Unless you have a closet full of suits and want something different, worsted wools are your best bet for a suit.”
“Wear a tuxedo/dinner jacket like a regular suit. It may seem like an obvious statement, but you should dress with the same rules in mind. Make sure it fits well, hangs correctly on your frame and gives you the dapper appearance of James Bond himself!”
“When your invitation reads “Black Tie Optional”, or “Black Tie Invited”, the host is leaving the final decision up to you. Most men will be wearing tuxedos, however if you don’t have one you shouldn’t feel uncomfortable in a dark suit.”
“A solid white or blue dress shirt with long sleeves offers the most polished look. The more pattern and color you add, the more the focus is on your clothing, rather than your professionalism”


“…don’t wear tan shoes with a navy suit. Try a chocolate brown instead…”
“With shoes, it’s all about quality, quality, quality. It’s better to have two or three pairs of good shoes that will last a long time than to have fifteen pairs of generic-looking bargain brands.”
“Your feet are on display to the whole world in sandals; there’s no need for a full pedicure, but the least you should do is trim your nails and wash your feet before heading out for the day.”
“When choosing socks, the basic rule is to consider the suit instead of the shoe”
“A good pair of sneakers should feel comfortable but sporty. Trainers are versatile and hard wearing, but make sure you treat them right; jumping into muddy puddles and scuffing the heels will have a negative effect on your investment.”
“If you’re in doubt about how to do the best job for your shoes, talk to a shoemaker, who will usually explain the process for no charge.”
“Classic trainers are the kind of shoes that can be worn with anything. We’re talking about a basic, low-cut lace-up without any glitz that delivers a wholesome serving of understated style. Think about the timelessness of a basic Converse lace-up.”
“Always shine your shoes when you first buy them and before you wear them, then shine them on a regular schedule after that. Preventive maintenance will help protect your shoe investment.”


Image: NickNguyen
“…if you have spherical face, avoid using bangs.”
“By tousling your hair and just sort of letting it “fall where it may,” you create a disheveled allusion that actually works in your hair’s favour.”
“Some guys think the horseshoe is a tough, ruggedly stylish way to wear their facial hair, but that’s only wishful thinking.”
“It’s always recommended to consult a professional colorist before attempting to dye your hair on your own, especially if the color change requires double process techniques, bleaching or toning. A colorist has all the tools and knowledge to get the job done right the first time. To find a qualified hair colorist, ask friends or acquaintances for references.”
“Forget the memories of overusing gel and making your hair hard as nails, the goal is to work with your natural hair type and adding some touches to bring out it’s best.”
“The type of shampoo you use will determine the amount of lather that you achieve. Professional shampoo brands will lather less than drugstore brands, as drug store brands typically include emulsifying agents to create lather.”
“Always book an appointment. If you turn up without having arranged a cut in advance you’ll be squeezed in, often at the very last moment. This means you’re not going to have the level of time and attention paid to you required for a fantastic job.”


hollywood clothing #1
“Longer overcoats tend to suit taller men rather than their shorter counterparts, as longer overcoats may make “vertically challenged” guys look stockier and shorter than they really are.”
“Unless you’re going casual, try to button up when standing. Not critical, but it looks nicer. Unbutton when sitting – it’s just more comfortable.”
“Suede jackets are big in earth tones, especially black. It’s the leather look with a classier touch. Women love the feel of suede on a man.”
“Belts on long black coats make them look like dressing gowns. Do you think you’d look cool walking the streets in a black dressing gown? No you don’t. Either wear a dressing gown or a coat, but not a combination.”

Shirts & Ties

Image: Mark Puplava
“It may sound obvious, but set the iron’s temperature to the correct setting – linen requires more heat than cotton.”
“The white T-shirt is a classic men’s staple. Every guy should own one. The key here though is to get a good fitted tee that’s not too loose around the neck. It should hug well but not like Simon Cowell’s and it shouldn’t be too loose that your rivaling Juelz Santaa on the hiphop stage.”
“Wear an amazing designer t shirt and people won’t notice your jeans are from Top Man. As I’ve said before, go all out on the t shirt and the rest will follow.”
“Purple paisley patterns are fine for those men who can pull them off, but even Mr. George Clooney can’t pull off a purple paisley shirt paired with a pink polka dotted tie (Hear that? Cary Grant just gagged a little).”
“The Italian way of rolling your shirt sleeve is simple. The fold never goes past your elbow. And the fold is tight and flat; no bulk.”
“Your shirt is the base on which you’ll be placing the tie. It fills the largest area on your upper body, and therefore should be where you fix your initial focus.”
“Command the knot. The easiest way to ruin any look is to lose your control of the material; don’t let that Windsor grow wild – stay in charge.”
“The choice of collar style is a matter of personal preference that a gentleman must determine for himself. There are guidelines, but the rules are not so rigid that one can’t experiment to see what looks best.”
“Ensure that your shirt doesn’t balloon when tucked in. And while it should frame the chest, it shouldn’t be so tight that the fabric pulls between the buttons.”
“The half-Windsor offers the upscale look of a Windsor with less effort. Accordingly, there’s a good chance that you’ll come to rely on it pretty heavily. It’s not as wide as the Windsor, but its still wide enough that you should make sure it’s not pushing your collar up awkwardly.”

Budget Shopping

Image: Steve Woods
“So you want to look like a celebrity on a fraction of the budget? I won’t lie – it’s not going to be an easy task; all that superstar cash buys a lot of detailing, tailoring and expensive fabrics. But that’s not to say you can’t get Hollywood clothing in the high street…”
“Make a habit to shop out of season. You may not want to think about cashmere sweaters or riding boots in the middle of July, but that’s when you’re likely to realize the greatest savings.”
“Double your wardrobe’s potential with reversible pieces that offer two looks in one. Sweaters, jackets and tees are often made reversible.”
“Explore Outlet villages. Where end-of-line, end-of-season stock eventually lands. Outlet villages are notoriously unreliable when it comes to sizing and ranges, but you can at least be guaranteed a bargain even if it means sacrificing what you want for what you need.”


Image: Billy Alexander
“According to Clare Spiegel, president of Your New Image, a career consulting company, bright colors and loud talk give an impression of low intelligence … if you’re going to don a Hawaiian shirt for an event where you need some semblance of astuteness, make sure the shade is dusty or muted, not bright.”
“It helps to pick out three basic tones for shirts and three more for trousers; for your tops, I suggest white, light blue and light gray, and for your bottoms, opt for earth tones (like beige, tan or taupe), blue and khaki.”
“Colored accessories are a perfect way to show your playful side. A brightly colored belt is a fast, inexpensive and easy way to enhance all your existing outfits.”
“Those with a darker complexion need to find clothes that give contrast to their skin without being outrageously bold.”
“[Pastel colors don’t] suit everyone … To be on the safe side, stick with earth tones; they are always safe and classic.”
“I’d suggest toning down the loudness of the pants with conservative colors… black, grey, brown, navy, etc.”


Image: Sergio Ianni
Another excellent wetshaving video tutorial from the genuis that is Mantic59
“Using a good blade that has been warmed in the sink or under hot running water, shave the face in the direction of the beard growth, rinsing the blade in hot water frequently.”
“For a brush, basically just rinse well with warm water, give it a gentle squeeze (bristles downward), a quick shake, then rub the bristles gently on a dry towel.”
“You’re going to see a huge improvement in your shaves by upgrading your shaving cream. Look for a glycerin-based shaving cream as it binds well with water. Throw away that shaving gel as they most likely contain alcohol which closes your pores and drys out your skin.”


“The worst place to try out new fragrances is at the sales counter … get hold of sample vials … these small 2-10ml bottles contain enough fragrance for generous test applications unlike those useless pieces of scented card.”
“Choosing the right scent is not always about what smells good in a magazine. You also have to consider your lifestyle to narrow down your options as you try to find your signature scent.”
“Both cologne quality and effectiveness are tied to a great range of factors, such as diet, environment, genetics, and behavior (stress, smoking, etc.). But the biggest x-factors are your skin type and PH levels. And the oilier (or dryer) skin is, the more potent (or weak) cologne can smell.”
“The “dry down”: An industry term for the time it takes for a fragrance to react with your skin and for the heart of the scent to kick in. This is why a scent smells different on each person.”
“If people keep asking you what fragrance you are wearing when you walk by, that’s a sign you are applying too much.”


Image: Joe Pyle
“If you’re a man of the planet Earth variety, then your face likely falls into one of four categories: square, round, oval, or heart-shaped.”
“The next time you are looking at eyeglasses, try to match the top of the eyeglasses (the upper edge of the lenses and frames) with the shape of your brow. You will be pleasantly surprised to see that most any frame you select using this method will fit you quite nicely. Using this method you will take the mystery out of, and make selecting your next pair of eyeglass or reading glasses frames much more fun.”
“Unlike regular eye-glasses, men’s shades are more playful and are far less-restrictive. Not only do you have a huge range of unusual frames, but also a broad selection of other elements to contend with.”


Image: Cris DeRaud
“There’s no such thing as the perfect watch for the weekend. Days spent lazing around the house mean there’s no dress code, so now’s the time to experiment with crazy digital displays, funky wrist straps and thousands of otherwise useless functions”
“Avoiding digging through a million pockets in search of a misplaced boarding pass or sim-card can be done by storing everything in a travel wallet.”
“Avoid embellishments. No mess, no fuss; look for bags without logos, never-ending pocket flaps and ‘feminine’ flourishes like banding or tassles.”
“Notwithstanding…a wedding ring. I advise against wearing [them]. Pinky rings are so Bridge & Tunnel. High school class rings are so high school. College class rings are just silly.”
“Despite its convenience and versatility, Velcro still remains a young person’s clasp. ‘Man up’ with great alternatives like simple dot fasteners and metallic snap strips.”
“Your belt should be a pure leather belt, and avoid the flashy buckle. Save it for your casual outing and hang around. you need to look suave and polished in these environment.”
“No necklaces OVER dress shirts. (I always wondered wtf men were thinking when they wear their silver herringbone on top of their shirt and tie… how can you justify that?)”
“If you have a small skinny wrist, go for a bracelet that adds weight to your wrist such as … leather band bracelets.”
“Don’t wear novelty cufflinks: They’re the second-cousin-twice-removed of the novelty necktie.”

Forty-Plus Fashion

Image: michelle kwajafa
“Now that you can finally afford some luxury, don’t you think it’s time to get rid of that shabby robe you’ve been wearing for years?”
“you should battle the march of time with certain grooming products: Teeth whitener, hair dye,and face washes/lotions all work in fighting off the years.”
“Cut out the comb-over. If you are currently sporting the three-strand fop I want you to put down your laptop and get your barber on the phone right now. Your manhood isn’t tied up in your locks, so don’t let those remaining strands bring you down to their level. Chop ‘em off!”

Body Types

Fashion: An Introduction
“Pinstripes are always slimming as the vertical lines emphasise height rather than girth.”
“If you have a gut, wearing board shorts will draw focus to your mid-section. It’s the kind of attention you don’t need at the beach.”
“Great posture is an easy way to add height, or the appearance of it, so remember to take advantage of this”
“…even if you’re wearing a solid-colored shirt, if it has a placket, remember that it’s got a major vertical element.”

Dressing For Occasions

Image: Larissa Kanno
“Is there a color to avoid? Stay away from “squished caterpillar yellow-green” which is said to repel both sexes equally.”
“Whether you’re working retail or in an administrative office, you’re still working for the people and you need to be comfortable and able to move with what the day throws at you.”
“Summer Tee’s – For gentlemen who feel most comfortable wearing jeans and tee, the summer is the time to do it, you can can never go wrong with some blue jeans and a white tee’, the summer is the time to pull out the bright color polo’s, you can also pull off bright colored tee’s and with fun”

Smart / Casual

“Dress for the next promotion. Take cues from what your boss (or maybe even his boss) is wearing.”
“Most khakis come equipped with four pockets, two in the front and two in the back. There’s nothing wrong with that, but to add some variation, try a pair with slant pockets, which are leaner, cleaner alternatives.”
“For a relaxed formal look; wear either relaxed cut trousers or a nice slim fit pair of dark jeans. A nice shoe is a must (but a topic for another day) and you can wear either a plain t-shirt underneath or a nice fitted shirt unbuttoned slightly.”


Image: Jean Scheijen
“pick a sweater that gently hugs your silhouette: the correct size shouldn’t bunch or droop but instead caress your form all over.”
“The once-around knot is your entry-level knot for all those brisk days when you need a little extra comfort but don’t want to go with complete arctic readiness.”
“With jeans the belt can either be leather (regular leather, suede, nubuck, or pebble grain — all of which look great with denim, tweed and wool), grossgrain, silk or cotton.”
“On particularly hot days, go for fabrics like cotton, silk, linen or light wool instead of polyester or other synthetics and blended fabrics. Natural fibers allow your skin to breathe more, meaning you’ll sweat less.”
“Layering is best used for casual occasions and is generally not appropriate in more formal settings.”
“This rule is very simple: Do not wear socks with wide horizontal stripes unless you happen to make a living as a circus clown. Doing so could result in that candy cane look when your socks are showing.”
“Experts say that you should floss at least once a day to maintain healthy gums. A good flossing will help keep your teeth looking good (you’ll never have something unsightly stuck between them) and your smile looking great.”
“Each designer insists on giving his/her range its own special spin; typically, this means creating a whole swathe of new buzzwords to describe a timeless look. In fact, this naming convention is so out of control that there are now several hundred names for, essentially, half a dozen types of fit!”
“To measure your pant size, lay a pair of pants that fit you well flat on the table — front side up, making certain to eliminate all slack — and measure them from one end of the waistband to the other at the seams.”
“Check each of these sites out before you next buy a pair [of jeans]. See what you think, maybe they aren’t as well known as Levi’s but damn they are nice!”
“When you first walk around take a look around and find the sections that may interest you. This way you eliminate wasted time sorting through prom dresses circa 1974. (Believe me, they are there.)”
“Should I wear boxers or briefs? The answer is simple: wear what feels most comfortable.”
“Nothing’s worse than walking into a boardroom stinking of coconuts or wild cherries. Find an odor-free variety [or] something with clean aromatic properties like mint or vanilla.”
“There never used to be the problem with trilbies before Pete Doherty became famous, but on a night out in Leeds you’ll see plenty of lads wearing hats, thinking it’s the coolest thing ever.”
“use mouthwash after … morning coffee, after a spicy lunch, before a meeting, or if … headed directly out to meet people for dinner or a drink. Bad breath appeals to no one.””
“I’ve been seeing many guys wearing stylish cardigans and then pairing them with a graphic t-Shirt. Unless the design on the T-Shirt is small enough to see in between the V of the cardigan then DONT do it. It spoils both the t-shirt and the cardigan. You may as well wear a football shirt with a suit.”
“Ensure your gym sweatshirt’s woven from a breathable, natural fabric: cotton trumps polyester each and every time. Try to pick a colour that won’t create embarrassing ‘wardrobe malfunctions’ after working up a sweat.”
“Here you’ll see everything you’ve ever wanted to know on the subject of eyebrow shaping and grooming.”

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