lunes, 29 de septiembre de 2014

La prenda perfecta para verte como un hombre exitoso.

Hombre exitoso

¿Tu sabías que cada prenda comunica algo? En realidad como hombres que son, tienen menor uso de prendas que utilizar. Por lo mismo, cada una tiene mayor significado que las prendas de la mujer.

Si están interesados, pueden leer el libro de “El Poder de la Ropa” de Lucía Lara y Antonio González de Cosío. Ella es actualmente la editora de la revista Glamour México y Latinoamérica. Antonio es corresponsal de moda en Televisa y juez de México’s Next Top Model. Como pueden ver, si no me creen a mi, le pueden creer a este par de expertos.
En este libro nos explican a grandes rasgos, tu poder a través del vestir. Hay un capitulo que es muy importante para ustedes, si quieren llegar a proyectar lo que son y lo que quieren. Recuerden que es muy importante, como dicen por ahí, que vistan de acuerdo al puesto que tienen.
Recuerden, esto es en general. Como ya he dicho antes, lo importante es como porten la ropa. Investiguen un poco acerca de la comunicación no verbal. Yo más adelante les daré más consejos acerca de esto.
Esto es lo que a ustedes les interesa saber de cada una de estas prendas y lo que comunican:
Traje: “proyecta poder, formalidad. Es el uniforme corporativo por excelencia”. Si quieren cerrar un negocio, por favor usen traje.
Camisa: “proyecta masculinidad, formalidad y madurez.” 
Si 1+1 es 2, por ende, traje con camisa significa poder,masculinidad y madurez. (Lo que toda mujer busca en un hombre, bueno a veces.)
Corbata: “Impone, invita al respeto”. Imagínate en la comida de tus suegros!
Zapatos de vestir: “dicen quien eres, hablan de tu personalidad de forma elocuente.” Es un accesorio que denota poder, lo mismo va para el reloj. 
Entonces como ya sumamos nuestras prendas, el sentido común nos dice, que si quieres proyectar ser un hombre exitoso, primero deberás serlo. Lo dije en un post de mi blog, pero la hipocresía hoy en día, ya es old fashion. No aparentes lo que no eres, no va a dar seguridad. Aparenta lo que eres y lo que quieres, eso es diferente. Eso habla de un hombre que sabe lo que quiere y lo que tiene.
Llega con traje y corbata para pedir un aumento en tu sueldo, para cerrar un negocio. Párate firme y pecho erguido. Eso denota confianza y seguridad. Si avientas pecho, es agresivo, si relajas espalda y la echas para atrás, te estas poniendo a la defensiva.
Cuando ya estén casados y con hijos (evidentemente los lectores ya casados, esto va para ustedes también), salgan a cenar con su esposa sin corbata. De vez en cuando, invítenla a cenar y pónganse un lindo traje. A nosotras las mujeres, nos gusta que nos enamoren cada día más. Que nos den la importancia que merecemos. Si te vistes elegante y formal para tu jefe, ¿por qué no lo harías para tu mujer? Espero que con esto deduzcan, que no es solo un consejo para los hombres casados.
Si creen que ya acabamos con la imagen, están muy equivocados. Ya tienen las prendas, pero,  ¿de que color se van a vestir? Los colores comunican muchas otras cosas más. Espérenlo en el siguiente post.

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Blazer vs Americana


Sabías que existen dos tipos de sacos que no son parte de un traje y los puedes utilizar como una prenda semi formal?

Hoy en día, no es necesario utilizar un traje para verse bien. Siempre insisto en el porte y el estilo de cada uno. Sin embargo estas prendas nos dejan jugar con todo tipo de looks, desde unos jeans hasta unas bermudas, pueden ser el complemento perfecto.
Obvio detrás de cada una de estas prendas existe una historia.
– Viene de los experimentos con ropa deportiva en el siglo XIX.
– Generalmente es la prenda de preferencia para los torneos. Partidos de tennis, polo, cricket o golf.
– Es una prenda que se utiliza mucho para club´s solo para hombres.
– Puede ser de un solo tejido o con patrón.
tendencias estilo estilo personal estilo consejos estilo  americana 300x236 Blazer vs Americana
– Este saco es conocido desde 1938, utilizada por miembros del Club de Cricket en Inglaterra.
– Incluye aplicaciones como insignia en bolsillo de pecho, botones metálicos.
– Pueden ser lineales o cruzados.
– La tendencia que viene muy fuerte para el 2015 son cosas que nos recuerdan al pasado. Por lo que los blazer náuticos serán una prenda trendy. Estos estuvieron en auge en 1920 combinados con pantalones blancos.  Tu los puedes utilizar con jeans, pantalón negro o regresar a la moda de los 20’s con pantalones blancos. Solo recuerda que para que te favorezca debes tener piernas delgadas y largas, de preferencia.
– Lo que es tendencia ahorita, son los blazers de colores. Anímate y aprovecha que es un verano lluvioso. Compleméntalos con corbatas y una camisa lisa o a cuadros.
Si estas cansado de utilizar siempre la misma ropa, te recomiendo comprar una buena Americana, sobre todo para la época de frío. Un buen blazer en colores neutros (beige, negro, marino, gris) para los veranos. Te garantizo un look sofisticado de revista. Todo esta con que lo complementes.

martes, 23 de septiembre de 2014

Las reglas de base que se deben respetar para tener estilo

Estilo Las reglas de base que se deben respetar para tener estilo
La moda, como otros ciertos campos tiene sus propias normas. Hay que seguirlas al pie de la letra para no caer en una falta de gusto. Una bonita combinación de colores es la base de un look bien construido. Si la asociación del negro y del blanco es un básico fácil de dominar, conviene sin embargo aportar algunos toques de gris.
Para salir de los aspectos más convencionales -azul, negro, blanco, azul gris o total black-, se pueden mezclar colores que tengan una atracción natural entre ellos. Así como el rojo casa bien con el azul o el verde; el rosa encaja perfectamente con tono taupe o beige.

También se puede probar con unos dúos más fuertes, como el coral con verde mar o naranja con azul marino. Y al final siempre volveremos a los mismo, sobre gustos y colores nada está escrito…
Un error de principiante que hay que evitar: jamás mezclar dos cortes idénticos como una parte de abajo y una parte de arriba muy anchas. El efecto será un desastre. La silueta se verá absolutamente desaliñada.
Si se es bastante esbelto, se puede permitirse un corte ceñido en la parte de arriba y más estrecho en la parte de abajo. Con esto se logra acentuar una forma más alargada. También se puede afinar la silueta llevando una prenda ceñida o ajustada en la parte superior, y un corte recto o Bootcut en los pantalones.
El skinny no le va bien a todo el mundo, por eso es bueno probarlo antes de llevarlo. Conviene pensar siempre en la correcta combinación de los cortes para no parecer ni más gordos ni menos estilizados de lo que en verdad se es. En realidad se trata de un juego de equilibrio fácil de comprender.

viernes, 19 de septiembre de 2014

Los diferentes modelos de blazer para la noche

Blazer Los diferentes modelos de blazer para la noche
Para esta estación hemos hablado de las sudaderas con capucha, de los tops a base de rayas, y de las camisas de tela vaquera más trendy. Pero ninguno de estos elementos no consigue ser tan elegante como los blazersclásicos, que se pueden llevar a lo largo del día, pero también por la noche. Veamos los modelos más ideales de blazers para este verano 2014.
¿Tenéis alguna velada prevista para este verano y no sabéis qué poneros para presentar un look fresco y a la vez elegante? Se puede optar por un blazer clásico, bien cortado, ligeramente ceñido, y preferentemente en los colores faro de la temporada.

Con un jean, un short o un sarouel, el blazer es una pieza incontestablemente chic, que se puede estilizar mucho más subiéndole las mangas. Este verano 2014, nos decantamos por el blazer modelo azul de Christian Lacroix, el modelo pastel de Sand, o el modelo blanco firmado por Maison Martin Margiela. La creación Alexander McQueen, con su tono pálido y sus calaveras como lunares, también es un must-have para esta temporada.
Si se quiere presentar un look más atrevido, se puede optar por un blazer de color intenso como el modelo rosa deDsquared2, o por un modelo “all over print”, como el propuesto por Kenzo.

martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Galaxy Note Edge, el sorprendente smartphone de Samsung

Galaxy Note Edge  Galaxy Note Edge, el sorprendente smartphone de Samsung
Todo el mundo estaba esperando el Galaxy Note 4. En la IFA de Berlín, Samsung también logró crear la “sorpresa” con su nuevo Galaxy Note Edge.

Después del smartphone de “pantalla completa” de Sharp, Samsung dio a conocer el primer teléfono inteligente con una pantalla curva del mundo. Bautizado como el Galaxy Note Edge, el dispositivo podría suponer una ventaja para el fabricante cuando la competencia se está intensificando en el mercado de los teléfonos inteligentes y tabletas.
Su pantalla de 5,6 pulgadas, con una resolución Quad HD, se extiende sobre el borde curvado del dispositivo hacia la derecha. Este borde puede servir de barra de herramientas, de mini-pantalla adicional o para el uso de ciertas aplicaciones. Para Samsung, se trata de una “nueva visión de lo que debería ser una pantalla.”
Durante la reproducción de un vídeo, por ejemplo, puede dar cabida a los controles de pantalla curva para hacer una pausa o saltar de pista, haciéndolo accesible sin comprometer la imagen mostrada.
Se trata de un smartphone perfecto para los amantes de las multifunciones, ya que la pantalla curva del Galaxy Note Edge puede permitir el acceso rápido a otras aplicaciones.
Samsung dio a conocer el nuevo teléfono inteligente en una conferencia de prensa antes de la apertura de la IFA.Sin embargo, el fabricante afirma que, dado que los desarrolladores aún no han tenido la oportunidad de explotar al máximo la característica única del Note Edge, algunas aplicaciones todavía no son compatibles.

domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2014


Men’s fashion is becoming increasingly bold, which means explosions of colours, patterns and prints on the runway and on the street. Choosing a pattern can make or break an entire look. Like a colour, it must match the rest of the outfit, appropriately suit the occasion and be flattering on you. But before you can get to any of that, you have to know how to differentiate one pattern from another in the first place.
Read on for a basic guide to the history and identification of menswear’s most common patterns.
Gingham is a plain-woven fabric, originally made completely of cotton fibres but later also of man-made fibres. It derives its colour and pattern (usually a woven check) from carded yarns, where the colouring is on the warp yarns and always along the grain (weft). There is no right or wrong side of the fabric were colouring concerned.
The name is derived from the Malay word “genggang,” meaning striped, as gingham fabric got its start as a stripe pattern when first imported to Europe in the 17th century. Nowadays, gingham (along with muslin) is often used as a test fabric by fashion designers. Despite its reputation as the “tablecloth pattern,” gingham is now a popular choice for men’s dress shirts.
Pin Stripe
Pinstripes have been a fashionable option for men’s suiting since the turn of the 20th century. The pinstripe is easily the most well-known stripe today. It is closely related to several other kinds of stripes, which are often called by the same name, but a true pinstripe is typically woven into worsted cloth and made up of pinhead-sized dots of yarn – silk, mercerized cotton, or sometimes man-made materials – that come together to form very thin, non-continuous lines.
The pinstriped suit is now associated with dapper movie stars like Cary Grant and Clark Gable, as well as American Prohibition-era gangsters and jazz musicians. Perhaps the most famous wearer of pinstripe suits was the legendary Winston Churchill, who sported them throughout his tenure as prime minister. These days, pinstripes are seen everywhere from contemporary, fashion-conscious tailoring to athletic uniforms.
Seersucker is a light, thin cotton fabric with a crinkled surface and typically a striped pattern. Stories on the origin of the name vary, but all agree that the word came into English from Hindustani and has something to do with sugar (probably due to the puckered fabric’s resemblance to the bumpy texture of sugar). Seersucker gets its wrinkled appearance from a process known as slack-tension weaving, which causes it sit away from the skin thereby facilitating heat dissipation and air circulation.
Seersucker got its start during the British colonial period, when its unique properties made it an ideal material in warm weather colonies like British India. It later spread to the United States, where it became especially popular with gentlemen in the South. It remains a standard for summer wardrobes.
Houndstooth (also known as hounds tooth check, hound’s tooth, dogstooth, dogtooth, dog’s tooth or puppytooth for small-scale versions) is a duotone pattern recognizable for its abstract four-pointed shapes. The classic image is of a black and white houndstooth pattern, but other colours can be used.
Houndstooth originated in Scotland in the 1800s, where it was worn as an outer garment of woven wool cloth by shepherds. It is still typically used for coats and jackets in tweed and wool fabrics, but can be found in just about any garment or accessory as well as in interior design. Houndstooth has been a favourite of designers like Chanel, Armani, Louis Vuitton, Moschino and McQueen.
Plaid is a pattern of criss-crossed horizontal and vertical bands in multiple colours. Known as tartan in its home country of Scotland, plaid originated in woven wool and is now made in many other materials. The weaving process forms visible diagonal lines where the different colours of the pre-dyed threads cross, giving the appearance of new colours blended from the originals. The result is repeating blocks of color that form a distinctive pattern of squares.
Plaid is, of course, famously associated with Highland dress and Scottish clans, but today the pattern is not limited to textiles. It made an especially important resurgence during the punk music craze of the late 1970s, when plaid went from being associated with authority and gentility to being an anti-establishment symbol of rebellion.
Polka Dot
Polka dot is a pattern consisting of an array of filled circles, generally equally sized and spaced relatively closely in relation to their diameters. The pattern shares its name with the Bohemian folk dance that was all the rage in mid-19th century America, though no one has yet been able to draw a clear connection between the two.
Despite the unclear origins of its name, the polka dot has been a fixture in popular culture ever since. DC Comics introduced Polka-Dot Man in 1962. Bob Dylan sported a polka dot shirt on an album cover, and blues guitarist Buddy Guy is famous for playing his signature black Fender Stratocaster with cream polka dots. The pattern is also immortalized forever in the song “Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini.”
Like plaid, the Argyle pattern comes from Scotland, in particular the tartan of Clan Campbell of Argyll in western Scotland. The pattern was used for kilts and other traditional garments, as well as the socks worn by Scottish Highlanders known as “tartan hose.” The pattern is distinguished by its layers of overlapping motifs, typically an overlay of inter-crossing diagonal lines on a checkerboard of solid diamonds.
Argyle has a sporty connotation, derived from its use in golf clothing (both for jerseys and for the long socks needed for the plus-fours trousers that were in fashion during the 1920s). In the 21st century, you’re most likely to spot it on socks and sweaters, where it can simultaneously be a nod to tradition and a bold statement.

lunes, 8 de septiembre de 2014


Guess what, guys? You can make yourself more attractive to women and it doesn’t take hours in the gym or plastic surgery. Researchers at Nottingham Trent University in the U.K. found that wearing a plain white t-shirt can make a man 12% more attractive to women. Granted, there is a catch: the guys in the study were wearing shirts with an actual T printed on the front, either upright or inverted. The upright T accentuated a man’s “optimum shape,” thereby increasing his perceived attractiveness. Your tees may not have actual Ts on them, but we think you can’t go wrong with the basic white t-shirt anyway.
White T-Shirt Look #1 – Under Denim
This is the ultimate fusion of casualwear. There are no wardrobe staples more staple-y than denim and a white t-shirt. They are the building blocks of any solid clothing collection, and they work equally well as the building blocks of a single outfit. Beckham looks like a rockstar pairing his white tee with a slightly disheveled denim button-down, a great pair of shades, and his impressive collection of tatts.
White T-Shirt Look #2 – Like James Dean
Has anyone done more for the white t-shirt than James Dean? The man practically single-handedly made the look cool in the 50s. While Beckham chose to rock the look by layering on interesting accessories, the Dean approach is much simpler. Keep the details minimal: throw on a pair of jeans, add a belt, get yourself a great hairdo, and let the shirt speak for itself.
White T-Shirt Look #3 – Tight And Tucked
Science may have proven that you don’t have to spend hours in the gym in order to impress the ladies, but it certainly doesn’t hurt. If you have a physique worth showing off, go for the tight and tucked tactic. It’s the perfect way to flaunt the results of all your hard work without having to resort to tacky shirtless toilet photos.
White T-Shirt Look #4 – Under A Heavy Winter Knit 
Further proof of the white-t-shirt’s versatility: not only does it look good on its own, it looks good layered under most anything you want to put on top of it, including this heavy winter knit. There’s something about the contrast that’s cool – take a warm weather garment, throw it under something that’s decidedly more suited to less balmy months, and you’ve got a recipe for fashion magic. Note: This will also work for black leather jackets. 
White T-Shirt Look #5 – With Your Favourite Blazer
In keeping with the contrast theme, there’s also the white-tee-under-a-blazer look. This style can be rocked two ways: use the t-shirt and a pair of jeans to dress your favourite blazer down, or use the simple t-shirt as an opportunity to crack out your boldest, most creative statement blazer. Either way, the key is striking a balance with your look.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014


There’s nothing the fashion world loves more than doling out directions and issuing edicts. “This is in.” “This is out.” “This is cool.” “This is hideous.” “This will make you look like a style superstar.” “This will make you look like a total fashion disaster.”
It’s enough to make your head spin straight off. Lesser men have collapsed under the pressure. And the worst part about it all is that half of those pesky proclamations are based purely on transient trends instead of truly timeless style. What’s the point of following a fad if it’s going to fall out of favour in a month or – even worse – if it doesn’t actually look good on you?
It’s a cardinal style sin we’ve all been guilty of at least once: dressing to suit what’s in style, but not what actually suits you. Your clothes should flatter your body shape, your skin tone, your hairstyle, your eye colour and your personality. A great wardrobe is a mix of classic pieces and current trends, all personalised to be uniquely you. Knowing how to dress for your body type – and which styles to avoid – is the first step to owning your personal style.
Know Your Body Type
Male bodies may lack the curves of female bodies, and therefore have significantly less variation, but that doesn’t mean differences don’t exist. Think about how often you hear fashion gurus talk about the importance of fit. An expensive garment that isn’t right for your body will look bad no matter how much money you dropped on it, and an inexpensive piece will look like a million bucks if the fit is right. The key to it all is identifying your body shape and learning how to enhance it. Most men fit into one of these five body type categories:
  • The Heavy Lifter: The Heavy Lifter’s chest and shoulders are broad, but his hips and waist are narrower. There is a significant difference between top and bottom, with a wide upper body and a smaller lower body, that is frequently the result of regular ‘get massive’ workouts.
  • The Athlete: Picture those incredibly fit Olympic chaps. The Athlete is broad across the chest and shoulders, and narrow in the waist and hips.
  • The Block Man:  The Block Man gets his name because his torso takes the shape of a rectangle, with little difference between the width of his chest/shoulders and the width of his waist/hips.
  • The Happy Eater:If the Heavy Lifter is an inverted triangle, the Happy Eater turns the triangle right-side up. His chest and shoulders are narrower than his waist and hips, making his lower half appear larger than the upper.
  • The Cuddly Teddy Bear: You know exactly what this guy looks like. The Cuddly Teddy Bear is round and huggable, frequently with narrower shoulders and slim legs. This is probably where we’re all headed eventually, so it’s a shape worth understanding even if it’s not you yet.
How To Dress: The Heavy Lifter
As a Heavy Lifter, your large frame is somewhat imbalanced. Your wider upper torso and narrower lower half can be evened out by your wardrobe. The goal is to draw attention to your hips while reducing attention to your upper chest. Focus on pulling the eyes downwards, avoiding bulk on the upper body, and adding a little extra to your legs. FYI – Gerard Butler is a great example of this body type. Sparta!
Put the focus on the right places. V-necks narrow the chest and draw the eye down. Stripes across the stomach and detailing around the hips (think belts or pockets) also help emphasise the parts that need it.
Go graphic. Simple graphic prints and logos will get attention, taking it away from your more substantial upper chest. Any kind of details, prints, or eye-catching colours on the shoulders, on the other hand, will draw the eyes to the wrong area.
Scratch the skinny stuff. Skinny leg cuts will make the top half of your body appear even wider. Try straight or more relaxed slim cuts instead, to balance out your proportions. You can also use statement trousers to lure the eye away from your broad shoulders. If you can, go for tapered jeans.
Expert Tip #1You probably enjoy wearing most garments close to the body however, tailored garments can look pretty silly if worn too small. This is not to say a Slim Fitting or European fit is out of the question. You just need to accept that most read-to-wear brands will not accommodate this shape off the rack. Similar to the ‘Athlete’, its crucial to fit the shoulders and chest and accept that the waist and/or hips will need to be narrowed. This allows for more accurate sculpting of the back region and accentuating of the smaller waist. School boy error is to find a garment that fits your small waist because you like how ‘tight’ it feels, only to bust out in the chest and awkwardly split the seat of a pant.
- Godwin Hili, Director – Godwin Charli 
How to Dress: The Athlete
 Good news for you Athlete types: you’re the fit bastards that make everyone else seethe with jealousy. Because your upper and lower body are already well balanced, your shape is much easier to dress than others. You can play with colours and cuts without having to worry much about whether or not everything is properly in proportion. FYI – Football players and athletes are a good example for this body type.
Be daring. Take advantage of the gifts Mother Nature gave you and experiment with your wardrobe. Your body was made for making a statement, so don’t be afraid to take risks (as long as you still feel comfortable in your clothes).
Prints and colours were practically made for you. There’s no need to be conservative unless the occasion demands it. Bold colours, prints and patterns are just as well suited to your body shape as solid colour basics.
Play around with other things. If you don’t have to worry about your body type, you’re free to explore other interesting ways to spruce up your wardrobe. Try out new trends, take new cuts for a test drive, investigate new textures and fabric combination,s and work on understanding how to flatter other things – your complexion, your hair cut and colour, etc. – instead.
Expert Tip #2Lucky you. Sometimes referred to as an ‘inverted triangle’ shape because of the obviously smaller waist in comparison to the upper body, Its imperative that a jacket fits across the shoulders and chest. A Slim fit or European fit is a good starting point for this body type. Unless the garment has been Made-To-Measure, the waist and hips of the jacket MUST be narrowed to accentuate this physique by taking it in. Trousers should be tailored without being too slim and shirts should be a slim fit or contain darts. It’s all about getting the proportions and balance correct, to avoid looking like you will topple over.   
How to Dress: The Block Man
For the Block Man, the primary aim is to add shape where there isn’t much shape to begin with. There’s only so much you can do to physically alter your body, but wearing the right kind of clothing can do wonders for creating the illusion of having a different body type. When dressing, a little style sleight-of-hand will make your shoulders seem wider while making your lower torso appear narrower.
 Choose your prints carefully. A print that imitates your rectangular shape – like a geometric pattern – will emphasise the issue you’re trying to correct. Well placed prints or colour, however, can be an effective way to enhance the upper portion of your body.
Layer thoughtfully. Adding clothing is the easiest way to add bulk to your body. Shirts, knitwear and scarves can be used to widen the chest and shoulders while narrowing your lower torso.
Use structure. Here’s your chance to put shoulder pads to good use! Structured blazers and jackets add the extra weight your shoulders need. For bonus points, have a tailor take the sides in or thin the jacket’s arms.

Expert Tip #3
Its important here to clearly define your upper and lower body components. Clever tailoring can achieve a more sculptured look. Look for a tailored jacket with a more padded shoulder to give the impression of broader shoulders. Ensure that the sleeve width of the jacket is narrow as well as area between the under arm and waist. Your goal should be to create the illusion of shape throughout the upper body.  
How to Dress: The Happy Eater
Again, your wardrobe is your opportunity to correct the imbalances in your natural body shape. For Happy Eaters, that means wearing clothing that adds some substance to a sloping shoulder line and smaller chest. What you wear should reduce the effect of a lower half that appears wider than your upper body. Streamlined cuts and flattering colours are important for you.
Enhance and emphasise your shoulders. Steer clear of polo necks and narrow crew-necks because they decrease shoulder with, and opt for structured tailored blazers and jackets instead. Single-breasted and button-down styles will also help streamline your torso.
Don’t put the focus on your stomach. Horizontal stripes across the stomach are a definite no, as is any kind of outerwear with details (like pockets) that draw attention to the stomach area. Dark colours will look best on your triangular shape.
Give your lower body a little more heft. Wear trousers with a straighter leg. Skinny or heavily tapered trousers will widen the central part of your body, which is exactly the opposite effect you’re going for.
How to Dress: The Cuddly Teddy Bear
As a Cuddly Teddy Bear, the majority of your mass is concentrated at the centre of your body, making your arms, shoulders and legs look disproportionately slim. To make your body appear more defined, you must add shape to your shoulders and wear clothing that appears to lengthen your torso. Beware of anything that shortens you in any way.
Stripes are your friends (sometimes). Vertical stripes and pinstripes will instantly lengthen your body, but horizontal stripes will make you appear rounder.
Don’t draw attention to your waist (or lack thereof). Any kind of statement belt will attract attention to your waist and highlight your widest point. A printed or textured piece in a darker hue a better way to add flattering interest to an outfit.
Length and fit are hugely important. Be sure that your sleeves and trousers are the correct length and fit well. They should add shape and definition to your body without making your limbs appear shorter.
Expert Tip #4It’s a common mistake to give up on tailored clothing and wear oversized pieces. Focus on comfort with a tailored edge. In other words, the garments should fit well across the shoulders, not be too roomy through the sleeve and underarm, and not be too tight across the waist region or lower half of the body. Avoid jackets that are short, ensuring a longer front balance. Again, its all about balance and drawing the eye away from the belly region.

lunes, 1 de septiembre de 2014


Imagine you’re going on a date. You’ve had your eye on this lady for a while, and finally worked up the courage to ask her out. Needless to say, you’re a little nervous (ok, a lot nervous). She’s a total 10 as far as you’re concerned and you don’t want to screw it up. Now you’re stuck. You know you need to make an effort, but you don’t want to try too hard to impress her.
Now imagine you’re preparing for a job interview. It’s exactly the same thing, right? (Except you won’t be inviting your interviewer back to your place afterwards. Probably.) You’ve got a plan in motion for world domination and getting this gig is the next step.
The first impression is something you can never take back, so the pressure’s on to get it right. After your resume is polished to perfection and you’ve mastered the arts of eye contact and a firm handshake, the next step is to style yourself for success.
Quick Dress Tips To Get You Started
#1 - It’s better to overdress
Dressing for a job interview starts with one simple rule: err on the side of overdressing. Even if the company has a casual vibe, you’re always better off looking too formal. ‘You can never be overdressed or overeducated,’ as Oscar Wilde said.
#2 – Don’t accidentally give off crazy vibeThe exception to the rule is accessories – you can definitely be over-accessorised. Wear nothing that could be seen as a novelty or makes you look like a total loon.
#3 – Stay corporate and no lung busters
And while we’re on the subject of wankery, do not wear a black shirt with a colourful tie, do not forget to cut the tags off new clothing, and never, EVER have a cigarette before an interview.
#4 – Good shoes and smell nice
Finish things off with a great pair of clean (emphasis on clean) shoes and a warm, subtle cologne (just one spray, please…suffocating your interviewer is not a good strategy for getting hired).

Dressing To Get The Corporate Job
If you’re in the market for a corporate, conservative job, there’s only one answer: a suit. The better you dress, the more you look like you know what you’re doing (even if you don’t have a clue). Don’t you dare go ‘business casual’. Stick with a classic, neutral suit (navy and darker greys are preferred) that fits impeccably. If you’re on a budget then we recommend a visit to ASOS or Topman

shirtA white shirt paired with a dark coloured tie is obviously the safest option underneath, but light blue and light pink shirts are also upscale and subtle enough to work. You can get a little more creative with the tie, but it’s still important to exercise restraint in a corporate workplace.
A simple white pocket square is also a nice touch and not too over the top. Think Don Draper.

tiesdress-shoesAfter the fit of your suit, the most important detail for interview dressing is your shoes. Everything they say about being able to judge a man by his footwear is true. Dress your best in OxfordsDerbysmonk straps and the like. This is not the time for going against the grain, no matter how much of an experimental dresser you are in your off-hours.

Dressing To Get The Creative Job
If you’re applying for a creative or cultural job (think advertising, publishing and anything else artsy or in the media) you have more leeway with your fashion choices. Ironically, however, that probably doesn’t make dressing for your interview any easier. Being able to bend the rules makes it even harder to figure out what the rules are in the first place.

The trick is in blending the relaxed nature of the office with an appropriately professional attitude. This is the time for your best business casual attire. No tie is required and you can probably skip the suit, but you shouldn’t show up in your casual weekend clothes either.
A blazer will be your best friend. Pair it with dark trousers with a modern cut on the bottom. Shirt-wise, you can be bolder and more flexible than if you were applying for a more conservative gig.
Feel free to play with patterns and colours, and even consider an upscale t-shirt if it’s appropriate for the company’s atmosphere. The finishing touch should be a pair of dress shoes or clean luxury sneakers.

Dressing To Get The Manual Labour Job

Applying for a manual labour job doesn’t mean you can show up wearing any old thing you pulled out of the laundry basket in your bleary, pre-coffee morning haze. Always show respect for the people you hope to work for by wearing a shirt and trousers.
polo-casual-shirtsGo for something that’s comfortable but still professional. In the interest of being overdressed rather than underdressed, it’s safer to stick with a pair of trousers over denim, though denim (dark wash and properly fitted) may be acceptable once you’ve got the gig.
On top, you have the flexibility to choose what makes you feel most comfortable and confident. A casual shirt is fine, but it must be clean, sized correctly, free of wear-and-tear and professional enough that it doesn’t look like you’ve just come from binge drinking with the boys.
Basic sweaters are also a good and smart casual option.
For your feet, it’s still best to stick with a quality dress shoe/boot. You can’t go wrong with a nice pair of affordable shoes, even if you’ve got immaculate taste in sneakers.
A little job interview attire inspiration

I will flay the man I see wearing the following…